

It is the best to move around your subject. A master in this way was Gary Winogrand. Here you can watch a video of how he acts around a figure. He is constantly moving and walking around his subject. He also acts with his finger on the filmrol as if he do not know what he is doing. Here an example of how he is acting all the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RM9KcYEYXs

It is not always possible to walk around a subject. Sometimes you are not allowed to move from your place by restrictions of security or the traffic law.

  • First of all try to go up, down, left or right with your camera.
  • Wait till you think you can make a photo, till you see something interesting. How long will the situation take? 5 Seconds , 5 minutes? Plan your time. Think of what is the most important in the picture and use your auto-focus (I use continious and single point focus in combination with back-button). Take a lot of pictures and think. Is the foreground with people moving? Are there people in the background moving? If this people in the background are not important then wait till they walk out of the picture. Is everybody who is important in the picture? When you have only two people it is not so complicated, but when you have 5 or 6 people it is more difficult. If not everybody fitts in try to go back. If you are not close enough then you do not have a good photo so think of that as well.

Example photo

Here a photo as an example. After going back and forward left and right and so on this is my best result. I tried to edit the mistakes. Here you can see the mistakes. OVERLAPPING

Here you can see how overlapping. Everything in red is disturbing your first sight at the picture. Therefore I edited some things in photoshop. I cloned the tekst “Paus Fanciscus”. I took out the white and black pales by cloning as well. I cropped the right side with the runner. The part under the arm of the right cameraman I did not change.

Here the edited version:

So if you want a clean background. Try first to move and make more pictures. Check the figures for a light forground and a dark background. At least you need difference in color. For example yellow and blue.

Author: Jan
My name is Jan and nickname JanStreetphotographer. I live in the Netherlands. I am addicted to photography especially to streetphotography and a bit fanatic. In the street you can find the whole scene. Busy streets I like most. My goal is the way you grow in photography. Seeing differenty in a grafic way is most important. Streetphotography helps you to loose wait. You have to walk a lot for a good photographs. Feel free to contact me if you want to have some information. Photography is helping each other.

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