Bycicles are an easy object to photograph

How do you photograph bycicles?


There are many ways to photograph bycicles. You can go in the street in the Netherlands and wait till a bycicle is passing by. Almost everybody has on or two bycicles. Foreigners are sometimes surprised of so many people riding a bycicle. From old to young we stick to this kind of transport. While driving you get warm and it is quite healty.

Here you see some foreigners who never have driven on a bycicle. For them it is hylaric and funny. In this photo you can see a bycicle from the early days of the bycicle. The left one was developed first in 1870.


Actually photographing a driving bycicle is not easy because normally it is moving. Moving means action and action needs a fast shutter in photography. Therefore you can easy search for forms. Because the forms of a bycicle are quite photoganatic. At het Dam in Amsterdam the parkings for bycicles are surroundid by chainrings. The round forms you can use to make photos of. I have use them as a background here. The more or less abstract forms shows a difference with the saddle.


In the Netherlands we have all kinds of wheater. In the winter the tires have trouble to come through the snow but in summer it is different. With the sun the bycicles are attractive to photograph. When you photograph a bycicle/shadow you have to stand opposite of the bycicle. You need to be quickly with pressing the shutter and anticipate of the bycicles that are coming. Sometimes the come from different directions and sometimes a hiker is ruining your shot.

By editing I have darkened the background and therefore you do not see any hikers in the street anylonger.

Another way to photograph bikes is to wait and see what happens. In the next photo I had luck that two bikes with meals were crossing. I did not have too much room to stand but with my 28 mm which I have all of the time on my camera at the moment I managed the situation.

In the editing here I have forced the red from the sun a little more so you can see more from which side the sun is coming.

Author: Jan
My name is Jan and nickname JanStreetphotographer. I live in the Netherlands. I am addicted to photography especially to streetphotography and a bit fanatic. In the street you can find the whole scene. Busy streets I like most. My goal is the way you grow in photography. Seeing differenty in a grafic way is most important. Streetphotography helps you to loose wait. You have to walk a lot for a good photographs. Feel free to contact me if you want to have some information. Photography is helping each other.

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